Stoichiometry: Molar Mass (2 of 4)

You may see the term molar mass used in place of gram formula mass. Remember they are the same thing. Add up the atomic mass of each atom present to get the molar mass.

An example: H2O has a molar mass of 18.02 grams/mole (1.01 + 1.01 + 16.00). The GFM also equals 18.02 grams/mole.

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Molar Mass is just another name for Gram Formula Mass. It's actually a bit more descriptive: the molar mass is the mass of one mole of the compound. To find the mass of one mole of any element you just need to look at the periodic table (it's almost always the number with decimal places after it).

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To find the molar mass you'll need to find the mass of each atom on the periodic table and add them together.