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How to Write the Name for PbO

Learning to name chemical compounds requires that you:

  • Determine the type of compound you are working with.
  • Apply the rules for naming that type of compound.
  • Practice until it becomes second nature.
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For PbO use the hints and resources below to help write the name.

Hint for Naming PbO

This is an ionic (Metal and Non-Metal). Even though Pb isn't a transition metal it can have different ionic charges. So we'll treat it like a transition metal here.
  • Name the metal as it appears on the Periodic Table.
  • Name the non-metal (Oxygen) by replacing the ygen with ide.
  • Look at the chemical formula to find the charge for Pb. O has an ionic charge of -2. Since there is only one Pb atom each must have a charge of +2 to cancel out the charge O. We show that by putting a (I) after the name for Pb.

PbO Resources

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